Digital Transformation Begins in the Mind

Learn, Build, Deploy. Tech is your tool; Your favorite day-to-day products are not so far from your abilities.

~Steve Jobs

Who We Are

A group of tech enthusiasts

We are a non-profit organization passionate about the empowering of youths with the use of hardware and software technologies, offering hands-on learning to help solve societal problems using tech.

Sprintathon CBU group Image

Our Specialties

Cross-Platform App Development

With the power of technologies like .Net MAUI, our events equip you with the ability to write one code base to run on all platforms.

Systems Design

We explore various system design tools to help you develop stunning applications, websites, hardware controller based systems, database design and more.

Web Development

Learn how to create amazing web products from simple portfolios to complex management web applications. ASP .Net Blazor, Bootstrap, Python...

Server Side Development

With various tools and languages, you can learn how to build server side APIs to serve your applications. Asp .Net web API, Python APIs, PHP OOP frameworks like CodeIgniter and Laravel.

Hardware projects and Implementation

From security systems, to control of robotic vehicles, our hardware oriented events expose you to microcontrollers programming with ESP 32 boards, Arduino boards, RaspBerry Pis, and more.

More coming...

We have a lot more coming to you to help enhance the experience we offer you in your tech journey... 😃

The idea behind Learn, Build, Deploy!

All our activities center around learning, building and then deploying. Our Sprintathon event is the shortest in which the aim is to go through all the three stages as quickly as we possibly can in an informative and exciting way.

The learning does not stop.

One of the most fundamental skills a developer must have is the ability to find ways to accomplish tasks even on the fly. Learning continues even after building and deploying.

The only way to learn how to code, is to code!

From that first Hello World program, your learning journey as a developer continues through writing more and more complex code.

The learning is no good if it does not help you build something, right? Our events all drive towards one being able to build software and/or programmable hardware projects.

Hello World!

Your first Hello World program probably gave you that first thrill of having made something work. Yeah, every developer has been there. The thrill is fantastic! It only gets better as you learn to build real world programs.

Acquiring fundamental skills

Our events look to provide hands-on experience with various technologies, showing you that that ability is not so far-fetched after all. Part of our sore purpose is to help you bring your ideas to life.

The systems you use everyday all went through the same cycle. From mobile applications, to websites, all the way to even elevator systems in skyscrapers, up until they were deployed into their working environment.

Get your project product ready.

Most of our activities aim at helping you build a software or hardware product that can potentially be deployed in society for use in its intended domain.

Open Source Community

All of our Sprintathon projects are uploaded to GitHub for public access. Anyone can fork these projects and modify them to meet their needs and potentially deploy it for solving problems.

Teamwork Vector


A Peek of our Sprintathon Events

  • All
  • Audience
  • Learn & Build
  • Design & Results

Laundry App Icon
(Figma Design

First Sprintathon
Building a laundry cross-platform app


What they say about our events

I found the Sprintathon to be a successful and interactive event. We created a user-friendly app through cooperative efforts between frontend and backend developers. If the event was advertised much earlier, and material for participants to get acquainted given much in advance, it would have been even better.

Gift Kawamwilu

Student - CBU

I found the sprintathon to be a rewarding, hands-on experience. Despite initial overwhelm, I appreciated the diverse team environment and the guidance from the instructors. The certificates of achievement were a highlight for me, and I'm looking forward to future workshops.

Isha Chilyobwe

Student - CBU

I had an enriching experience participating in the Sprintathon this year, filled with valuable lessons, collaborating and interacting with my peers. I believe more such interdisciplinary events would enhance our learning and boost interest in our respective fields. I'm grateful for this opportunity and eagerly await more in the future.

Rene Irasubiza

Student - CBU

The Sprintathon was more than a learning journey for me; it was a dynamic experience. Joining the web frontend team, I was part of a collaborative environment with passionate individuals. This camaraderie made learning enjoyable and offered new perspectives on web development. The emphasis on collaboration and exploration of emerging technologies made this an invaluable experience.

Fredrick Mwepu

Student - CBU

Having a mixed group of people helped me a lot in learning how to approach problems and solve as well as talk to people during the Sprintathon, it provided a means of learning from one another and teaching others the little knowledge I had about various things as app and backend development.

Isaac Zimba

Student - CBU

The Sprintathon was an enjoyable experience where I gained new skills and concepts. A key learning was inheritance in classes, which enhances code efficiency and organization.

Philimon Kaminga

Graduate - CBU

Our Partners

Who share our vision

Zambezi Digital
American Spaces
Zambezi Omnisport
Mjr. Studios